Maps, Books, and Periodicals


Maps are generally held as part of a larger collection. A selection of holdings, listed by the geographic area they predominantly cover, are:

Asheville and Buncombe County

Boundary changes, 1797 – 1917 ; map showing the Asheville city limits [In map drawer]

City of Asheville Annexations, 1997 – 2004 ; map of areas annexed, and year of annexation

Asheville 1891 [In map drawer]

Asheville (circa mid 1920s?)

The Housing Authority of the City of Asheville collection ; includes street maps of the redeveloped areas, plats of properties and land plots in Asheville and Buncombe County, primarily during the early 20th century, and two city tax maps detailing street and property layouts

Home Owners’ Loan Corporation “redline” map of Asheville, 1937 [in Housing Authority City of the City of Asheville map drawer]

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Asheville, 1917. Bound book (21.25″ X 13.5″) containing 45 individual maps. (Scale 50 feet = 1 Inch). In map drawer. (A digital version of this map is available from the NC Collection, Wilson Library, UNC Chapel Hill.)

Two early maps of Asheville, circa 1920-30s. Folded maps printed on canvas. [in map drawer]

Western North Carolina

Shirley Stipp Collection ; various early maps of western North Carolina including, civil war maps, travel maps, and USGS survey maps

Speculation Lands Collection ; maps of speculation lands purchased by Tench Coxe in the 19th century. The collection contains family land surveys, plats, and industrial survey maps, and represent some of the earliest maps of western North Carolina

Chimney Rock’s Early Landowners ; a diagrammatic and textual history of Chimney Rock by local author Rose Senehi [In map drawer]

Other Areas

The Carolina Mountain Club Collection; USGS maps of North Carolina, parts of South Carolina and Tennessee

Eastern Kentucky Coal Field, Southern Appalachian Transportation Routes and Iron Ores , 1891 [In map drawer]

Germany, Holland, Belgium, and northern Italy, circa 1867 [In map drawer]


The Special Collections Reading Room contains over 4,000 books on regional history and literature, nineteenth and early twentieth century literature and history, Appalachian and Southern regional cookbooks, first-person narratives of World War I, and many other topics. A significant part of the Reading Room is dedicated to books from the Bill and Alice Hart Collection.  A list of all books in Special Collections is available here through the library’s catalog.


Newspapers and Periodicals 

Newspapers (Although not routinely collected, certain editions with historical significance are held)

Asheville Citizen / Times

Bound Editions:

  • 1940 & 1941 editions [Row 16, sections 3 & 4, top]
  • 80th anniversary edition, 1950 [Row 17, Section 1]
  • 90th anniversary edition, 1960 [Row 17, Section 1]
  • Centenary edition, 1969 [Row 17, Section 1]

Individual editions [Row 17, Section 1, misc. newspapers]

  • “Western North Carolina recreation and prosperity number”, July 192
  • “A city with a future”, April 15, 1962
  • “Asheville-Biltmore College progress section”, May 17, 1964 “
  • “Asheville, All-America city”, March 10, 1970
  • “Asheville centennial edition”, Dec. 15/16, 1983
  • Pearl Harbor commemoration, Dec. 7, 1991
  • “Storm of the century”, March 26, 1993
  • “D-Day”, June 1994
  • 125th anniversary section, June 2, 1995
  • Sept. 12, 2001
  • The hunt for Eric Rudolph, June 5, 6, & 9, 2003
  • “Discover Burnsville”, summer 2003

Chicago Sun-Times: November 24, 1963, covering Kennedy assassination [Row 17, Section 1, misc. newspapers]

Detroit Free Press: May – June, 1912, bound [Row 17, Section1]

The Evening Sun, Baltimore: Reprints of historical front pages, 1915 – 1966 [Row 17, Section 1, misc. newspapers]

Highland Messenger1841, vol. II, issue 15, Asheville, NC

Independent Torch: Some 1993 editions [Lateral files]

Layfayette Journal and Courier: November 25, 1963, covering Kennedy assassination [Row 17, Section 1, misc. newspapers]

Native Stone: Published in Asheville, June 3, 1974 to Dec. 12, 1971 [Lateral files]


  • Appalachia (Appalachian Mountain Club) (G505.A55): 3 volumes, 1937 – 1941 [Row 17, Section 1]
  • The Appalachian Appeal  (May 1930) – part of the Margaret Deaver Collection of Presbyterian Newsletters
  • Appalachian Mountain Books catalogs – (Part of the Bill and Alice Hart Collection)
  • Appalachian Notes (F106.A6) (1973-1985) Shelved in Reading Room
  • Appalachian Trail Data Book (Part of the Bill and Alice Hart Collection)
  • Appalachian Trailway News (F106.A62) Shelved in Reading Room
  • Art & Decoration: Numero 14, undated [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • The Cosmopolitan: The World’s Fair; September, 1904 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • The Delphian Quarterly: 1918 – 1919, Four editions, not sequential: The Delphian Society, Chicago
    [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • The Etude, Presser’s Musical Magazine: 1912 – 1949, Five editions and one cover [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals
  • The First Edition and Book Collector: No.1. July – August, 1924 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • The Guilford Genealogist: November 1974 – Fall 1983; The Guilford County Genealogical Society of N.C. [Row 17, Section 1]
  • The Literary Digest: April 28, 1934 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • John Martin’s Book: A Magazine for Little Children (AP201.J66): Individual and bound volumes, 1912 – 1933 [Row 15, sections 1 & 2]
  • Life: Two editions: Special report: September 5, 1974; One day in the life of America ; October 1978 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • Life of the Soldier and Airman: June 1953 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • Mid-Week Pictorial: Lindbergh souvenir number, June 23, 1927 [Row 17, Section 1, misc. newspapers]
  • Mountain Review (F106.M6X) Shelved in Reading Room
  • New Testament Christian / Faces of Eliada: Volumes 1 to 94 – part of the Eliada Home Archive
  • The North Carolina Booklet, “Great events in North Carolina History” (F251.N86): 54 volumes, 1901 – 1923 [Row 17, Section 1]
  • Now and Then (F217.A65) Shelved in Reading Room.
  • Our Mountain Work: 1919 – 1930 (incomplete) – part of the Margaret Deaver Collection of Presbyterian Newsletters
  • The Nidiologist, “An illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the study of ornithology and with special reference to the nidification of North American Birds.”: 1893 – 1897 [Row 17, Section 1; box]
  • Peterson’s Ladies National Magazine: 1869 – 1886, six editions, not sequential [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • Popular Mechanics: Golden anniversary edition, January 1952 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • Rural Voices “The magazine of the Housing Assistance Council” (HD7289.U6.R87): 2005 – [Row 17, Section 1]
  • The Saturday Evening Post: Two editions: February 14, 1903 and March 20, 1937 [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • SHS Echoes: June 1920, Springfield High School, Vermont [Row 17, Section 1; misc periodicals]
  • The Southern Tourist (G155.U6.S68 1924) April 1924 (Shelved in Reading Room), “Good Will Tour Edition: Asheville and Western North Carolina, February 1925” is in the Bill and Alice Hart Collection
  • The Warbler “An illustrated monthly magazine for ornithologists and birders”: 1905 – 1910 incomplete) [Row 17, Section 1; box]